Volcanic Ash Lowers Global Warming Rate

b2ap3_thumbnail_VulcanAshReducesGlobalWarming.jpgVolcanic Ash Accounts for Warming Slow-down, Maybe More


The 17 volcanoes since the year 2000 account for a slow-down in global warming, according to a Lawrence Livermore environmental study released today. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/23/climate-volcanoes-idUSL6N0LQ2K620140223


Ash from the volcanoes shaded the atmosphere enough to counteract effects of higher carbon dioxide that traps heat in the planet biosphere. Maybe this explains why winter in my home state of Wisconsin, USA, seems as cold as when I grew up in the 1950’s. Next week temperatures will drop below zero, according to local forecasts. http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/La+Crosse+WI+54601:4:US


Some predict that decreased attention to warming might impact the UN climate deal to be signed in Paris during 2015. http://www.franceonu.org/france-at-the-united-nations/un-express-922/article/21-may-2013-france-will-host-in The “21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” will be the site for agreement by 200 nation-states around the world over $1T of expenditures to move the world toward renewable energy sources.


To analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com there is little likelihood of any change for the planned signing of the UN climate convention. Nonetheless, they note that if volcanoes increase their activities around the globe for the foreseeable future, the argument for global warming prevention might suffer political setbacks.



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