A. I. Is Coming, Like it or Not


What Artificial Intelligence May Mean For All of Us


Physicist Stephen Hawking forecasts accelerating development of artificial intelligence (AI) that could potentially destroy us all. He describes it as like hearing from an alien species that it will reach Earth in several decades and the Earth leaders replying, “OK. Call us when you get here. We’ll leave the lights on.” http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/02/stephen_hawking_ai/


Most of us have no access to or idea about how developing AI and related systems have advanced and seem to be accelerating in their integration of divergent technologies. The few voices for generalists who ponder that larger, existential view rarely speak in ways that the majority can comprehend or care about, say analysts at HamiltonFinanceServices.com.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_artificial_intelligence



What do others of those big picture AI thinkers say? How should all of us prepare for coming AI? Is keeping our figurative head down and watching each step not wise? Or, is it inescapable? How should we think, communicate, and act better to prepare for coming AI? What do you think?

Prayers Remain Part of US Tradition, Says Supreme Court


A thin majority of the US Supreme Court decided late yesterday that traditional prayers at the beginning of town council and similar legislative sessions may continue. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/05/us-usa-court-prayer-idUSBREA440FO20140505


In Greece, New York, two residents attending a legislative session felt “uncomfortable” when an opening prayer mentioned Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. So in 2008 they sued to make their legislators stop that sectarian practice, arguing that the US Constitution only permits nonsectarian prayers or moments of silent reflection. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/supreme-court-ruling-prayer-town-council-meeting-article-1.1779924


In disagreeing with those two residents, five of the six Roman Catholic justices on the US Supreme Court overruled three Jewish justices and one Roman Catholic justice to let the legislators keep praying, so long as no prayer tries to intimidate, coerce or convert anyone. The court’s basic logic arose from American history in which prayers have been offered since the beginning of the nation. To rule that only nonsectarian prayers should be permitted would make the legislatures and courts the supervisors and censors of religious speech, said Justice Kennedy, the swing vote on the Court and author of its majority opinion. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/nyregion/supreme-court-allows-prayers-at-town-meetings.html?_r=0


To analysts at HamiltonFinanceServices.com, the decision while welcomed by many conservatives nationwide, sounds almost out of character for the high court. This observation implies that more decisions in the future might whittle away and eventually change the court’s acceptance of historic tradition as the logic for what the Constitution permits. Yet, for a few decades at least, prayers at local town council meetings will keep coming, and those opposed to sectarian prayers in public meetings will simply be required to ignore what they cannot change. What do you think?

Linux Tails Offers Safe Operating System to All


As of this week an operating system immune from NSA and similar hacking has finally come of age. A free download of Linux Tails is here.


Based on Debian, the pure, free operating system of basic programs and utilities, the secure Linux version called Tails boots from removable media, not a hard disk, unless you prefer hard disk booting. Tails has crushed a long list of bugs by funneling all data through Tor and a group of cryptography and anonymising tools. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/01/secure_os_tails_1_released/


Many users unfamiliar with Linux or Heartbleed might fail to recognize the significance of this Linux development. To HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS) analysts, however, the news is BIG. We absolutely do not encourage evasion of law enforcement when cops are properly doing their important jobs, although Tor has become a significant irritation to NSA and others because they have no known method of breaking through it to discover the user’s identity. So to HFS some risk applies to having a powerful operating system such as Tails. Nonetheless, for the majority of law abiding users, the attraction is clearly to avoid unlawful hacking and other snooping around innocent users’ applications. With Linux Tails as your OS, even uninformed computer amateurs should justifiably feel safe on the Internet, perhaps for the first time in history.  To HFS, this development marks a major step towards strong privacy on the web. What do you think?




US Back In the South China Sea


When US forces left the Philippines (PI) soon after Wiki on Mount Pinatubo covered Clark Air Base (Clark AB) in over ten feet of ash in 1991, many of us who had lived on and served at Clark AB, wondered when we, the American military, might ever return. The answer is: Today.


Last week when US President Obama visited Manila, the 10-year military agreement to return US forces to the PI had just been inked a few hours before his landing. That landing symbolized the US return as its Commander in Chief met PI dignitaries for the remainder of the next two days. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/02/us-philippines-usa-idUSBREA4107020140502


So now the US Navy will have access to Subic Bay, its deep water port where subs, carrier groups, and a host of other vessels will once again dock continuously. Clark AB will be fully dug out, the runways resurfaced, and several groups of various planes from fighters, attack aircraft, supply, and surveillance will once again fly to and from throughout every day and night. Ground forces will also set up their perimeters north of Manila at Fort Magsaysay to run their jungle training exercises, among other things. Makes some of us feel like returning to the PI, where many of us bore and raised families on American facilities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines–United_States_relations


It won’t be a smooth ride, unfortunately. The Chinese have since 1999 been pushing hard to establish dominance over the South China Sea. Second Thomas Shoal has been blockaded and Scarborough Shoal has been occupied by the Chinese. A PI transport was run aground by the Chinese, PI planes have been forced down, and Chinese destroyers have boldly approached closer and closer to the PI. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/04/us-philippines-how-strategic-pa-201442871034598657.html



HamiltonFinanceServices.com analysts predict the following: With the American return, the tension will mount; operations tempo will quicken; and eventually the shoving match will ignite into more obvious engagements. In other words, the world just got much more dangerous. What do you think?

Texas Cops Own Worst Enemy, Again


In the days a few decades ago when I was an attorney for military cops on several military bases, getting calls at odd times such as 3:30 a.m. or half past midnight was typical.  I never objected despite the many nights my kids and spouse voiced complaints about repeatedly being awakened by those calls.  I knew the cops were performing their due diligence to seek a legal opinion concerning action they proposed, often in the context of determining whether there was probable cause to take that action.  While no numbers come to mind, I recall that a significant number of times I expressed my opposition to the proposed action.  On several of those times, my boss demanded an explanation the next day as the daily reports described the scenario.  My boss wanted to always give the cops the benefit of the doubt, so in close questions, he would let the cops have their way.  My view was opposite, based on my understanding of the US Constitution.  I never backed down, and in that process I became known as a fiercely independent prosecutor who took seriously the job of carefully balancing public interest with private freedoms.

Sadly the tale on my mind today reminds me how unbalanced the prosecutors and judges have become who advise cops on probable cause for warrants and subpoenas.  Today that fair prosecutorial discretion I prized is virtually nonexistent.  Instead, cops seeking independent legal opinions get rubber stamped almost every time by those who should know better, the prosecutors and judges.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/15/texas-swat-team-conducts-_n_3764951.html

That’s what happened in the outskirts of Dallas, Texas, when a SWAT team raided the private property of a 50 something lady named Shellie Smith.  Over several days that included helicopter surveillance, ground surveillance with camera shots of all activities, and trial runs of raid protocol off site, the cops put together an affidavit, meaning a solemnly sworn statement of truth, that twisted words and phrases to make the residents on the Smith property appear to reviewing prosecutors and judges as if a drug gang had taken over that location.  The prosecutors knew fully well from experience that the SWAT commanders uniformly push the envelope of truth when they manufacture their sworn statements.  In other words, no prosecutor with over a month’s worth of experience working with cops believes even half of what they allege with straight faces under oath.  Cops lie to get their job done, and those on the inside know cops consider lying to prosecutors and judges to be the best way to get their job done.  http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/tarrant/Owners-irked-after-raid-on-Arlingtons-Garden-of-Eden–219354841.html

After the ten hour raid of the Smith property, no contraband whatsoever was discovered, despite the cops having torn up the crops on the property that the residents had depended on for several years to sustain themselves.  It wasn’t as bad as Waco where hundreds of people, including kids, burned.  But it scared the hell out of every man, woman, and child living then on the Smith property.  The intentional infliction of emotional trauma by the cops should be the centerpiece of some sort of civil action, but that’s a stretch under Texas law.  More likely, nothing will come of it other than a small group of militarized civilians who wanted to do nothing more than raise vegetables and a few chickens and goats.  Psychologists can better assess the psychic trauma and its likely implications for the children involved.  But all of us know that experience will stick with them for many years.  http://www.vocativ.com/usa/justice-usa/marijuana-swat-raid-marijuana/ 

HamiltonFinanceServices.com observes that in the USA, we have changed from a nation of roughly 2000 SWAT raids in the 1980’s to over 70,000 of those raids now every year.  That’s a lot of militarized civilians.  No one sees clearly what the consequences might be, but no one should feel complacent about the absence of centurions to oversee the centurions, either.  What do you think?