Nakamoto Unfairly Mobbed Due to Newsweek’s McGrath Bad Article


Unfair Harassment Launched Against Nakamoto by Newsweek’s McGrath


A multi-talented retired engineer today was mobbed by news reporters on his lawn, sidewalk, and street curb in Temple, California, because some Newsweek reporter named Leah McGrath, who speaks absolutely no Japanese, supposedly interviewed him and later his brother.


The retiree’s name: Satoshi Nakamoto. His source of flickering fame: Accused of creating Bitcoin. His defense: Under a standard confidentiality contract, he has nothing to say. The Newsweek story: Mr. Nakamoto admitted he once was involved with Bitcoin but he turned it over to others when his work was done. Mr. Nakamoto insists he did not say that, but McGrath misinterpreted what he said, in his broken English.


According to analysts at (HFS), the real problem has nothing to do with the murky history of Bitcoin. Rather, the problem is with news workers desperate to track down the villains who invented Bitcoin, willing to tar with a broad brush anyone remotely related to creation of the now $7 B valued cryptocurrency run online separately from any known government. And why are the Bitcoin inventors villains, the HFS analysts ask? No one really quite knows, but there must be something wrong with an independent cyber money system, right? Maybe bad people use Bitcoins the same way they have used US dollars for the past century or more. You know, drug deals, illegal weapon sales, illegal gambling, terrorism, and other generally bad business. Or maybe governments should be entitled, just because they are governments, to taxes connected with Bitcoin use? As if those governments could technologically do that when they cannot prevent cyber attacks against their own agencies. Or maybe the collapse of Mt. Gox last week when unknown cyber terrorists attacked should be blamed…somehow?…on Bitcoin? Who knows why Bitcoin inventors are worthy of news articles? They just are.


So little people like Mr. Nakamoto, who speaks very little English but who is fully fluent in his native Japanese, must be sacrificed on the alter of … news? What do you think?