Is US Posturing Again Over Ukraine Unrest?

b2ap3_thumbnail_UkraineApril2014.jpgIs Kerry Posturing Over Ukraine Unrest?


Today US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that Russian secret agents and special forces have caused the unrest in several Ukraine areas. Kerry provided no evidence in support of his claims.


In Luhansk, Ukraine, separatists took temporary control of a government building and raided its armory of rifles and ammunition. Western politicians allege that those separatists also took 60 hostages and secreted bombs throughout the building. Several separatists have denied those Western claims. No proof of the politicians’ claims has been provided any reporters.,0,4945134.story


Russian politicians have voiced concerns over Russian-speaking people in eastern Ukraine and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing fear over potential civil war.



To HFS, the obvious issue concerns what Russia might do next. The US and other western politicians appear to be drumming up their domestic support for possible intervention, although to HFS that alternative should be the very last on any list of options. The Russian politicians appear to be waiting anxiously to see how the Russian speakers in Ukraine fare, fearing violence and civil war, but willing if necessary to consider additional action if necessary. None of it sounds good to HFS analysts. What do you think?

Rubenstein Posted To Syria by Kerry


Today US Secretary of State John Kerry appointed Daniel Rubenstein as a special US envoy to Syria, replacing now retired envoy Robert Ford. 

Daniel Rubenstein served as Consul General and Chief of Mission in Jerusalem from September 6, 2009 to August 2012, according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

To HFS analysts, the interesting point to this new Syrian appointment is not so much Daniel Rubenstein’s impeccable credentials as a US career diplomat as it is his impeccable reputation in the Jewish American community.

What do you think?

One Strong Dissent Against US and EU on Russia-Ukraine Dispute


One American Dissent from US-EU Position on Russia-Ukraine


A Voice of America article portrays US Secretary of State John Kerry with his two fists clenched as if he were ready to fight, as he testified before the US Congress today.


If that is what he’s really asking for, then perhaps Russia will oblige the theatrical puppet. The US has zero credibility as a military presence in the Ukraine region, and the EU has less.


But go ahead, children, act out your silly gestures.


At (HFS)all analysts fully agree that if the US and EU actually take a “serious series of steps” then so will China and Russia, and contrary to US and EU hopes, the US and EU have the most to loose. 


The lead HFS analyst says: True to his shallow ‘displomacy’ of gesture and empty form, Kerry told the US Congress in its hearing today that he hopes to avoid sanctions by talking with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tomorrow in Russia. Balderdash (a polite way to parallel Rush Limbaugh’s vulgar “Barbara Streisand” expression)!


HFS analysts consensually elaborate pertinent international legal problems with the EU and US positions, as follows: In the various news reports of Kerry’s testimony, no mention ever arises concerning how the duly elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted by the Ukraine parliament when no constitutional provisions in Ukraine existed for such a process at the time. There were clearly articulated impeachment procedures on the Ukrainian books. However, only treason or other crime constituted grounds for impeachment, and that process was never undertaken by the head of the Ukrainian parliament, its now acting “president” Oleksandr Turchynov. So Turchynov committed treason against the Ukraine, yet the US and its pet the EU repeat the chorus that he is the Ukraine president. Russia essentially has correctly stated that Yanukovych remains the elected Ukrainian president unless and until impeachment occurs during his term or a new election is duly called in the election cycle. The reason neither the US nor EU mention this significant legal issue is because all they want is to cloud the issue with finger pointing, fist clenching, and figurative frothing at their mouths.


What do you think?



Kerry 2nd Blunder Will Hurt Ukrainians


Kerry Blunder Will Cost Ukrainians


Saturday US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the US would close any available space for diplomacy” if Russia annexes Crimea. and


This is not the first diplomatic blunder for John Kerry. Recall when in September 2013 the US jeopardized Syria when Kerry spouted off about avoiding US force if Assad would surrender chemical weapons.


Today, Russia continues its annexation process over Crimea after changing its laws to support annexation of places with Russian speaking people, despite international opposition.


Analysts at view Secretary Kerry’s remarks as extremely unhelpful, since short of military confrontation, diplomacy offers the only means to unwind the Ukraine crisis. This ‘no more diplomacy’ posture poses the most likely scenario for war, yet obviously the US has no real capacity for acting alone, so HFS analysts wonder whether the UN or other US allies were consulted before the Kerry remarks.



What do you think?