Israel Approves Controversial Jerusalem Building Permits


Israel’s Interior Ministry announced approval of building permits today for a visitor center to be built in the predominately Arab subdivision of Silwan. Currently the approved construction site has been used as a parking lot across from Dung Gate just outside Jerusalem’s Old City walls. The ministry’s primary reason given for deciding contrary to strong Palestinian objections in last week’s public permit hearing was published as supporting city development to show archaeological discoveries from the region. and and


Analysts at HFS argue that Israel’s approval of the archaeological construction project responds directly to Palestinian applications for inclusion in 15 international treaties despite strong opposition from Israel.


Those Palestinian applications arose when Israel declined to release convicted Palestinians held in prison, which Israel had earlier promised if and when ongoing peace talks succeeded.


The peace talks appear to be prematurely concluded.


To HFS’s way of thinking, the talks never had a real chance of success, and US Secretary of Kerry simply wasted time and money attempting to push those talks into existence. What do you think?




Rubenstein Posted To Syria by Kerry


Today US Secretary of State John Kerry appointed Daniel Rubenstein as a special US envoy to Syria, replacing now retired envoy Robert Ford. 

Daniel Rubenstein served as Consul General and Chief of Mission in Jerusalem from September 6, 2009 to August 2012, according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

To HFS analysts, the interesting point to this new Syrian appointment is not so much Daniel Rubenstein’s impeccable credentials as a US career diplomat as it is his impeccable reputation in the Jewish American community.

What do you think?

Israel and Palestine Cool Off Under Egyptian Peace Deal


Israel-Palestine rocket fire ceased under Egyptian halt earlier today.


Two days ago Islamist Jihad of Palestine launched over 50 rockets towards Israel in retaliation for Israeli soldiers killing three of their leaders. The Popular Resistance Committee admitted to firing some of the Palestinian rockets also. Hamas spokesmen said they had not participated in the attacks, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the Gaza region descried the hostilities as attempts to undermine ongoing peace efforts.


None of the Palestinian rockets appear to have killed or injured any Israelis.


Israel launched over 30 airstrikes and hundreds of tank shells in response, destroying seven suspected Islamic Jihad launch sites.


The US condemns the Islamist Jihad rocket launches, saying nothing about the Israeli response.



HFS analysts forecast resumption of peace talks led by the US, although the latest hostilities cloud the likelihood of quick agreement.

Israel Demolitions Peak As Middle East Talks To Start


West Bank Demolition At 5-Year High


As US-backed peace negotiations start up, so do demolitions by Israeli military operations. In fact, the number of demolitions hit a 5-year high today with 663 houses in rubble over the past twelve months. Aid organizations such as Red Cross, Oxfam, and Christian Aid now complain about obstruction and confiscation of their aid at the same time. (


No one on the Israeli side will comment, leaving observers to wonder whether tensions in Egypt, Syria, and Iraq have emboldened Israel to revisit the 1979 Camp David accords. As demonstrated in the 1967 Six-Day War, preemptive operations by Israel tend to mark their strategies. Even when Israel rules out preemptive strikes, as in the 1973 October War begun on Yom Kippur by Arab forces, it remains a key to most Israel operations. Leading up to such strikes, fomenting civilian actions have historically suggested mounting tensions with potential military ramifications.


Here at, we have reviewed the 1967 and 1973 war histories plus the activities culminating in the 1979 Camp David accords, to understand what current demolitions signify. Ever since the 1973 October War, a strong political faction in Israel has pressed the agenda of military and intelligence services’ vigilance. The 2009 election of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a second term illustrates the slight leadership control of the right over contemporary Israeli politics. ( (

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More importantly, tensions across the Middle East may leave open military opportunities for hawkish factions, both within Israel and in the region. Recall that Egypt, Syria, and Iraq were key to Arab war efforts in both the 1967 route by Israel of those Arab forces and the 1973 stalemate imposed by Kissinger shuttle diplomacy. In particular the 1973 October War illustrates how Israel, ready to trounce Arab forces it had surrounded just before peace negotiations halted that war, learned to never again let down its guard. The preemptive nature of Israeli defense from June 5th though the 10th of 1967 remains predominant in war doctrine among Israeli commanders. (


Last months’ announcement of Israel’s Iron Beam ( leaves some observers wondering about how the Spring of 2014 might blossom on the Sinai and along the Gaza. What do you think?