China Sees Mental Illness in Too Much Time Online

Internet Addiction: A New Chinese Clinical Disorder?


People who spend inordinate amounts of time online doing…anything online too much…are labeled and treated for a clinical disorder, at least in China. More than 400 treatment facilities dot the Asian landscape in order to therapize those poor addicts of the Internet.


So the Orwellian horror-mare has come to bite us. Now big brother, in the form of the Chinese government, sees you when you’re sleeping and sees you when you’re online. If you are addicted, as judged by standards somewhat hard to comprehend for some westerners, you must be compelled into addiction therapy for your own and for society’s health and safety.


Some take the addiction painfully seriously.


From the perspective of analysts at, a budding new type of psychotherapy may be the dark side of the Internet of things. What do you think?


