Hacktivists Halt Russian Banks & Government Offices, Reply to Blog Freezes


In response to Russian regulation of Internet access by news bloggers, a massive cyber attack struck the Central Bank of Russia, the Office of the Foreign Minister, and the chief Kremlin website.  http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/14/us-russia-kremlin-cybercrime-idUSBREA2D16T20140314 

While several government and banking sites ceased functioning for several hours, government investigators brought down the attack known as ‘Hacktivism’ and all operations have resumed.  http://www.securityweek.com/political-activism-gives-way-hacktivism-russia 

HFS analysts forecast many more hacktivists attacks during the ongoing Russia-Ukrainian dispute, regardless of how many claim no connection between Internet attacks and Crimean politics.

What do you think?