Google Everywhere Just Got Real

b2ap3_thumbnail_AtmosphericSatelliteByTitan.jpgTitan Atmospheric Satellite & Google Team Up


Google’s purchase of Titan Aerospace will bring Internet to remote locations. At least that’s what some say.  Costs of operation of Titan’s high flying drone will offer satellite coverage worldwide at 1/100th the cost of present day satellites.


Titan also offers high flying giant helium balloons as part of its Project Loon, although no one seems quite as enthusiastic in comparison to cheers for the solar powered, forever flying drone airplane, known in Titan circles as an ‘atmospheric satellite’ that will possibly fit in with Google’s plans to bring the net to all.



HFS analysts note that Facebook, the lead suitor for Titan until Google swooped in to offer more money last week, might have had similar plans. The competition for the future Internet seems to be unfolding right before the eyes of the world. What do you think?

YouTube Next Internet Shutdown in Turkey


Turkey’s Telecom Authority Blocks YouTube


After Turkey’s telecommunications authority TIB blocked Twitter last week, many Turkey watchers have wondered when the next TIB block might hit. Today YouTube in Turkey reports that its users there cannot access the service. TIB confirms that it took “an administrative measure” against YouTube.


Google, the owner of YouTube, began yesterday to investigate user complaints of no access to YouTube and today the company confirmed that YouTube is down in Turkey.


Google has assured all of its users in Turkey that from the company’s perspective, they have done all that they can do to provide user access and the problem has nothing to do with their technology. However, late last week Google refused to cooperate with Turkish authorities requesting that it voluntarily take down YouTube videos critical of Turkish government corruption. So Google likely expected the TIB action.


Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan claimed yesterday that micro-blogging constitutes “the worst menace to society.” In particular, he chastises the “robot army” for launching cyber attacks against him for political reasons.


HFS analysts opine that more Internet offenders will likely face future government sanctions, not only in Turkey, but in other political enclaves where free expression faces government controls and censorship. Turkey demonstrates the Internet’s dependency on political connections.


To further illustrate HFS’s point, its analysts note the rapidly disintegrating Ukraine outsourcing business based around computer program developers and project managers. Political unrest tied to Russian military actions has destroyed the economic boom just last year identified as the fourth largest outsourcing operation on the planet.


HFS analysts argue that without true economic, political, cultural, and technical independence from all governments, the Internet must evolve into a planet-wide patchwork ultimately controlled by political factions.


What do you think?