SolarCoin Pays Homeowners Digital Coins For Sending Extra Solar Electric Energy to the Grid

Turning Solar Energy into SolarCoins for the Environment


You’ve heard of solar electric energy, and you’ve heard of cryptocoins such as Bitcoin. But have you heard of generating digital money by generating solar electric energy back to the grid? That’s the pitch of SolarCoin, a form of digital currency paid when registered members send extra energy from their solar cells back to the grid.


Sounds counter intuitive for someone to pay for you to generate solar electricity and send it, not to them but to the grid, which already pays standard money for that energy in most places as a matter of law.


The promise of the organizers of SolarCoin is that for the next 40 years, any residential home owner signed up, large or small generator, will be paid one SolarCoin per megawatt of power they can document that has been returned to the grid, regardless of whether someone else, such as an energy company, pays for surplus returned to the grid.


Analysts at HFS say the deal gives incentive to only those already interested in investing in solar electric equipment but who need a small push to take the next step. No guarantees can be offered for the future of any digital currency, including SolarCoin, but if the coins help produce more electricity at homes, the SolarCoin Foundation wants to help. That sounds like a good cause, to us.



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Mt. Gox Bankruptcy Filed Over Bitcoin Hack

Today Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy in Japan, where its headquarters stand.,0,3681597.story


A hack attack took over 750,000 coins from Mt. Gox accounts, worth nearly half a billion US dollars on the currency markets.


Mark Karpeles, CEO of Mt. Gox, in his public apology, blames “weaknesses in the system” for the loss by his currency exchange business.


Mt. Gox has historically been the largest trader of Bitcoin, although other currency exchanges similar to that of Mt. Gox also continue trading in that cryptocoin and others.


Analysts at say that while Bitcoin continues to be traded, the long term effects on NewCoin technology suddenly seem cloudy, and risks of buying or selling Bitcoins and similar digital currencies may freeze all NewCoin markets in the near future.


Those with no risk and no investments in digital currencies seem apathetic, but those hoping to find financial security in the new technology may have lost life savings. What about you? Have you lost anything in the Mt. Gox bankruptcy? Or how about your experience with digital currency trading in general? Any good experiences out there, or has everyone suffered bad experience?

More Bitcoin Carnage


Yesterday we commented about Mt Gox’s halt to Bitcoin account withdrawals, and today we focus on denial of service attacks from unknown computer operators. Mutant code lines have been targeting the Bitcoin program. Consequently, shutdowns on exchanges supporting Bitcoin and other digital currencies have raised concerns worldwide, says the Bitcoin Foundation.


Although Bitcoin stresses that it now is collaborating with other currency technicians to work around the cyber attacks, the broader public attention to digital currencies has generally suffered a significant blow to confidence this week.


Here at we will continue our monitoring of NewCoin news because we believe changing how money works for people matters.



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