CAR Crises Grows Despite French Troop Commitment


France’s 1600 military members support a larger UN force of peacekeepers in the Central African Republic (CAR) but according to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon many more French troops must be sent to effectively produce peace.


Already 5000 African troops work with the French, yet Christian forces intent on permanent removal of Muslims coordinate ‘ethnic cleansing’ across hundreds of miles in the land-locked republic. Over 250,000 new CAR refugees in the region since the beginning of 2014 have been added to the existing 850,000, which includes 400,000 in the immediate vicinity of Bangui, capitol of CAR.


Will other Euro forces join in support of CAR peacekeepers? According to a member of the European Union’s parliament, Arnaud Danjean, “Many European countries do not consider the situation in Central African Republic as a strategic and military priority.”


So will the humanitarian crisis in CAR simply be left to grow? Should France reconsider its commitments to African peace? Are the current French troops to be left as the only significant European force for the foreseeable future?


Here at we pose such questions to clarify the larger conversation about how the First World nations will respond to Third World crises. Some opinions in the debate describe the modern policy of world leaders as disengaged.


If wars escalate, leaving in their wake waves of millions of refugees, can the EU and the USA afford to stand back? Are there no strategic interests related to central Africa? What other nations in the region might benefit from peace in CAR?

What do you think?