Turkey Solves Bad Image by Facebook and YouTube Shutdown?



Just ban Facebook and YouTube if your image sinks under the weight of fraud allegations based on direct voice recordings posted to social media by your political enemies. That’s how Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan handles it. http://www.reuters.com/video/2014/03/07/turkeys-pm-threatening-to-ban-facebook-y?videoId=289456498&videoChannel=6


Not so fast, says the Turkish president, Abdullah Gül. And so the political dervish spins in Turkey, and now the PM has backed down. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/turkish-pm-backtracks-on-social-media-ban-threat/2014/03/11/fc260e12-a91a-11e3-8a7b-c1c684e2671f_story.html


The larger question will persist long after the Turkish controversy passes. Why would any government seek to shut down such media? Of course, some governments with openly corrupt leaders seek to maintain power, but in other situations there might arise better reasons to contemplate shut down. In Thailand today, for example, apparently malicious use of Facebook and Twitter has caused death. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Social-media-marvellous-tools-that-could-also-be-g-30226491.html


The technical challenge of shutting down seems less important to the Chinese government. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/committee-to-protect-journalists/liu-jianfeng-tests-new-mo_b_4913654.html


So here at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS) we pose the meta-question about the politics of the Internet: When is a government justified in shutting down its citizen’s access to the Internet and its various versions of social networks?


To analysts at HFS, the problem lies in the nature of political contests, where no winner remains for long and most issues may be understood from multiple perspectives. So long as power exists to potentially shut down citizen access, the Internet will remain a tool of politicians and their technicians.


What do you think?






Dumb or Dumber: US Investigates Chinese Materials in Weapons Systems


GAO Second Guesses DoD on Chinese Materials


Pentagon investigators say they have “found” evidence that Chinese materials were illegally used to make F-35 parts, and further that other weapons systems such as the B-1B and the F-16 also used illegal Chinese materials. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/10/us-usa-china-weapons-idUSBREA291UK20140310


To analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS, where former DoD investigators and prosecutors who have dealt with precisely these sort of allegations before now work), this news offers insight not about Pentagon and US Government Accounting Office (GAO) diligence, but rather about how dumbly they behave in the name of national security.


Here’s the scenario: Laws require the Pentagon to buy weapons made with materials, parts, and systems “made in America.” Of course, with tinkering by an active Congress the phrase “made in America” has expanded to include allies of America specified on a US State Department list of approved sources, such as Japan, Britain, France, etc. China is not on the list, so if materials such as metals used to make cheap little magnets for expensive radar systems come from China, the law says it’s illegal and the parts must be replaced with others from approved sources. But remember that Congress is like a ship of active little rats who gnaw at every morsel.


With Congressional approval, DoD obtained and exercised authority in a few cases to waive the “Buy American Act” stringent prohibitions against buying parts composed of Chinese materials. However, not everyone in Congress agreed with those waivers, despite the big weapons makers relying on the waivers to produce their weapons on time under their DoD contracts.


So now Congress is pushing its tools, the GAO and the Comptroller General, to question the waivers granted several years ago in hopes of compelling those big weapons makers to pay for retrofitting the radars with magnets made from approved sources.


Of course, those weapons makers have literally thousands of lawyers, more even than all of the lawyers in the US Department of Justice and DoD combined, ready to wave the waivers in the faces of administrative and federal judges who will eventually hear these cases.


But DoD uses another foul tactic to avoid such litigation by refusing to do business with the big weapons makers who don’t pay quickly and quietly, in this dumb or dumber game. It rarely works, of course, because some members of Congress feel more loyalty to the weapons makers than to the government tail chasers.


As stated, dumb or dumber. That’s the defense contractor business in a nutshell.


What do you think?



Kerry 2nd Blunder Will Hurt Ukrainians


Kerry Blunder Will Cost Ukrainians


Saturday US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the US would close any available space for diplomacy” if Russia annexes Crimea. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/john-kerry-made-troubling-threat-151446123.html and



This is not the first diplomatic blunder for John Kerry. Recall when in September 2013 the US jeopardized Syria when Kerry spouted off about avoiding US force if Assad would surrender chemical weapons. http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/09/10/syri-s10.html


Today, Russia continues its annexation process over Crimea after changing its laws to support annexation of places with Russian speaking people, despite international opposition. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/09/ukraine-crisis-idUSL6N0M606520140309


Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com view Secretary Kerry’s remarks as extremely unhelpful, since short of military confrontation, diplomacy offers the only means to unwind the Ukraine crisis. This ‘no more diplomacy’ posture poses the most likely scenario for war, yet obviously the US has no real capacity for acting alone, so HFS analysts wonder whether the UN or other US allies were consulted before the Kerry remarks.



What do you think?

Assange Skypes to the World About National Security Reporting


National Security Reporting, A New Career Choice


Listening to Julian Assange as he Skyped around the world from the Ecuadorian embassy in London Saturday, one might believe a new career choice has emerged in the field of national security reporting. http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/8/5484784/julian-assange-at-sxsw-wikileaks


The WikiLeaks founder, now fleeing Swedish charges of sexual assault, has holed up in the embassy to avoid what he maintains is a plot to extradite him to the US for prosecution because he broadcast hundreds of thousands of national security documents and refuses to name sources. http://news.yahoo.com/wikileaks-assange-talks-nsa-hints-more-leaks-214516768.html


For about an hour marked by sound outages, Assange described how a new refugee status has emerged as national security reporters become more significant influencers on the world scene. To Assange, the NSA has become a rogue government agency. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/mar/08/julian-assange-wikileaks-nsa-sxsw The world’s reaction to government overreaching is the new job called ‘national security reporter.’


However, Assange warns that even now the US fails to take Edward Snowden and similar reporters seriously. He says: “We know what happens when the government is serious. Someone is fired, someone is forced to resign, someone is prosecuted, an investigation (is launched), a budget is cut. None of that has happened in the last eight months since the Edward Snowden revelations.”


Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS) argue that to take Snowden and similar leakers seriously would raise them to a new political status due to the importance of changes being made as the result of ongoing court cases, previously report by HFS, that have arisen within the past 6 months. US security service leaders remains indignant and self-righteous, and they will probably stay that way until the US Supreme Court bites them where it hurts, say HFS analysts.



What do you think?

China Red Line Says: N. Korea, Back Off


China Draws Red Line For North Korea

Today Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, observing aloud that North Korea sits on China’s doorstep, said: “We have a red line, that is, we will not allow war or instability on the Korean peninsula.” http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/08/us-korea-north-china-idUSBREA2703Q20140308


The Foreign Minister’s comments arose on location during a break in the annual Chinese parliamentary meeting that approves all new laws for the coming year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_the_Republic_of_China


Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS) note that US Secretary of State John Kerry recently left Beijing after urging China to take more responsibility for regional affairs, especially North Korea. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/14/john-kerry-china-visit-north-korea-nuclear-talks


These HFS analysts observe that the US seems to have less confidence in the regional peace keeping role of Russia in Ukrainian affairs than it has for China in North Korean affairs. This comparison raises the fundamental question: Why does the US actively resist Russian peacekeeping while at the same time supporting Chinese peacekeeping?


HFS thoughts: Maybe Chinese peacekeeping supports the US ally, South Korea, but the US has no real allies in the Ukraine region, so to build an alliance, the US opposes Russia as a strategic initiative to develop a new regional foothold with Ukraine. HFS analysts consider this US strategy too risky and unlikely to succeed.


What do you think? 

NSA Wiretaps: On or Off?


ACLU Appeals Court Approval of NSA Blanket Wiretaps


Yesterday afternoon, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Manhattan, New York, filed an appeal to overrule a US federal judge’s December 2013 decision that approves of the US National Security Agency (NSA) plan to archive copies of all telephone records of large telephone companies. http://news.yahoo.com/aclu-asks-appeals-court-undo-phone-data-ruling-192626948.html The NSA program has operated for over ten years within the US, according to documents released recently by Edward Snowden. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-10-nsa_x.htm


According to analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS), another US federal judge in Washington DC, Richard Leon, ruled in early 2014 that the NSA program unconstitutionally violates the ban against unreasonable search and seizure. Judge Leon stayed his decision so that the US government could file an appeal. https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2013cv0851-48


Today HFS analysts predict this question and possibly both of the federal appeals will end up in the US Supreme Court, as impacts of the Edward Snowden leaks continue to unfold across the globe. Those analysts opine that for good or ill, Snowden has changed the course of history.



What do you think?

Nakamoto Unfairly Mobbed Due to Newsweek’s McGrath Bad Article


Unfair Harassment Launched Against Nakamoto by Newsweek’s McGrath




A multi-talented retired engineer today was mobbed by news reporters on his lawn, sidewalk, and street curb in Temple, California, because some Newsweek reporter named Leah McGrath, who speaks absolutely no Japanese, supposedly interviewed him and later his brother. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/07/us-bitcoin-inventor-idUSBREA252D820140307


The retiree’s name: Satoshi Nakamoto. His source of flickering fame: Accused of creating Bitcoin. His defense: Under a standard confidentiality contract, he has nothing to say. The Newsweek story: Mr. Nakamoto admitted he once was involved with Bitcoin but he turned it over to others when his work was done. Mr. Nakamoto insists he did not say that, but McGrath misinterpreted what he said, in his broken English.


According to analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS), the real problem has nothing to do with the murky history of Bitcoin. Rather, the problem is with news workers desperate to track down the villains who invented Bitcoin, willing to tar with a broad brush anyone remotely related to creation of the now $7 B valued cryptocurrency run online separately from any known government. And why are the Bitcoin inventors villains, the HFS analysts ask? No one really quite knows, but there must be something wrong with an independent cyber money system, right? Maybe bad people use Bitcoins the same way they have used US dollars for the past century or more. You know, drug deals, illegal weapon sales, illegal gambling, terrorism, and other generally bad business. Or maybe governments should be entitled, just because they are governments, to taxes connected with Bitcoin use? As if those governments could technologically do that when they cannot prevent cyber attacks against their own agencies. Or maybe the collapse of Mt. Gox last week when unknown cyber terrorists attacked should be blamed…somehow?…on Bitcoin? Who knows why Bitcoin inventors are worthy of news articles? They just are.


So little people like Mr. Nakamoto, who speaks very little English but who is fully fluent in his native Japanese, must be sacrificed on the alter of … news? What do you think?



Russia Not Necessarily Behind Turla Spyware Attack Against Europe and US


Russia Backed Spyware Attacks Europe and USA? Not Necessarily Russian


Unnamed security researchers and intelligence officers claim that Turla software has attacked European and US government computer systems to take control of them. http://article.wn.com/view/2014/03/07/Suspected_Russian_spyware_Turla_targets_Europe_US_1/


News of the spyware infection is now sweeping Europe. http://news168.co.uk/index/suspected-russian-spyware-turla-targets-europe-us And the US news agencies have started reporting the story, too. http://www.newshour24.com/business/1ze3akmm16/Suspected-Russian-Spyware-Turla-Targets-Europe-Us-Reuters.htm


Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com expect much more news to hit on Turla and similar spyware in the next few days, but the news for now says that hackers backed by the Russian government use a specific style of software design and execution precisely like that employed by the spyware called Turla. European and US government agencies have circulated internal IT memos for how to identify and quarantine the spyware, but because the spyware shuts down via remote commands when detected, some or perhaps many government agencies cannot detect it without thousands of hours of code scrubbing. Costs associated with this type of cyber attack mount quickly into millions of Euros.


The http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com (HFS) analysts further opine that because the style of software design and execution has been closely identified with known or suspected Russian free-lance software developers, the possibility exists that some forces unrelated to Russia might be funding the same free-lancers. If so, cyber intelligence claims tainting Russia could be politically motivated as Ukraine tensions mount at the UN. The HFS analysts caution that no one really knows at this time who has retained the free-lance software designers behind Turla because no one has taken credit for the attack.


China Will Spend More on Military And Its Environment

China Buffs Up Its Military AND Its Environment

China planned a $130 B military budget for 2014, a 12 percent increase from last year, in its once per year Congressional meeting yesterday. http://www.voanews.com/content/china-boosts-defense-spending-sees-steady-economic-growth/1864434.html


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang explained the budget increase, saying, “The armed forces and armed police force are full of new vigor and have enhanced capabilities. This year, we will comprehensively enhance the revolutionary nature of the Chinese armed forces, further modernize them and upgrade their performance and continue to raise their deterrence and combat capabilities in the information age.” http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/05/us-china-parliament-defence-idUSBREA2400H20140305


While US military analysts might feel alarmed by this Chinese news, a quick glance at the same kind of budget in the US shows a military budget about 6 times as large as China’s. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/06/us-usa-defense-budget-idUSBREA2500W20140306


Even more fascinating, China’s budget includes $330 B for environmental projects for water pollution remediation. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/05/us-china-parliament-pollution-idUSBREA2405W20140305


Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com note that in China, environmental budgets run about 2.5 times higher than military budgets, nationally. The old adage, ‘Put your money where your mouth is,’ might give environmentalists worldwide some perspective on China’s priorities.



Maybe the USA could learn something from their creditors in China, too. What do you think?

El Nino Returns in 2014, Says NOAA


El Nino Expected for 2014


Today the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) acting director, Mike Halpert, forecast El Nino activity for 2014. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/


Other scientists have confirmed Halpert’s forecast with new modeling technology. http://news.yahoo.com/comes-el-nino-good-news-us-weather-woes-142354512.html


El Nino refers to increased mid Pacific water temperatures that trigger major worldwide weather changes, so predicting El Nino occupies the time of many scientists, economists, and medical care providers. http://www.elnino.noaa.gov/document.html#predicting


The most recent past El Nino event in 1997-1998 caused over $3 B in crop loss, so economists worldwide have begun paying close attention to today’s NOAA report. Analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com have tallied this list of good and bad effects expected in 2014 and 2015 from this year’s El Nino, if it happens:



Atlantic hurricanes reduce

US west coast rain increases

US Midwest winter temperatures moderate



Heat waves kill hundreds worldwide

Crop failures worldwide

$Billions economic loss worldwide

Poorer fishing worldwide

All global warming indicators jump up

All insect-born diseases jump up


By this analysis, the bad effects clearly surpass the good. The hardest hit areas include coastal economies, especially Peru, South America, where both historic flooding and dreadful fishing have impacted the entire nation for decades. While a few in the US might say the El Nino brings positive benefits, most of the world will disagree. http://www.sfgate.com/news/science/article/Here-comes-El-Nino-good-news-for-US-weather-woes-5293440.php



How about you? How has El Nino impacted your area historically?