US Seals Take Libyan Tanker From Pirates


Libya Receives US Seal Help To Recover Tanker


Reports today from the Mediterranean coast off of Libya and Cyprus say US Seals successfully recaptured a commercial Libyan oil tanker “Morning Glory” pirated by 3 Libyans late Sunday. No shots, no casualties, and many praises from the Libyan government characterize the successful operation.


Last week the Libyan parliament voted for dismissal of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan with a no-confidence vote following immediately upon first reports of the tanker capture from an eastern port controlled by the Libyan political faction that led the vote against the PM. That pirated tanker sailed successfully last week from its Libyan port to Sidra, where it received a load of oil sought by a faction in Libya to fund its resistance in a military struggle for Libyan control. On a return course to Libya, it was peacefully boarded by the US commandos.


HFS analysts have observed that reports from various world sources offer markedly different accounts of US involvement in the operation. The Roosevelt, a US aircraft carrier located in the region of the operation appears to have been the command and control center for the US forces. At the same time, ten days ago, the Libyan government threatened to bomb a North Korean tanker planning to supply oil to a Libyan rebel faction.


Were the US forces merely observing, when the Libyan government happened to request help to recover the tanker? More cynical analysts might suspect the US of cherry picking which political faction to support by recovering a tanker full of valuable oil to hand over, as a means of securing a geopolitical foothold while Libya verges on civil war. The HFS analysts don’t go that far, not yet, but they’re watching with interest to see what US interests in the region might be developed.


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IBM & FB Say ‘No’ to NSA, But Are We Safe Yet?


IBM and Facebook Say ‘No’ to NSA, So Are We Safe Yet?


On IBM’s blog, the biggest-in-the-world tech company says it has not and will not cooperate with NSA when the feds come knocking. See its privacy policy:


If IBM receives a national security subpoena, what will it do? According to the IBM statement, it will fight in court and otherwise. Why does this matter? Some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations work with and through IBM systems, and they pay well for privacy.


What’s behind the scenes of IBM privacy protection? Here’s one insight from HFS: IBM’s preferred provider of computers is the Chinese multinational company Lenovo. So where might IBM keep the hardware servicing its cloud? Anyone’s guess, but Chinese computer leaders are helping.


How about Facebook, the biggest-in-the-world social network? According to its Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on a recent FB entry, he says: “When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we’re protecting you against criminals, not our own government.” And Zuckerberg called President Obama directly to complain about it.


Scariest to many is a Snowden leak about how NSA co-opted 140,000 computers to inject them with spyware. NSA says Snowden’s report is inaccurate. (Yeah, HFS analysts can just imagine how inaccurate; it’s probably many, many more than just 140,000 computers by now.)


So if you want to acquire a new computer someday within the next year or two, how could you go about building it yourself or through a truly trusted source? Do you have to be a tech wizard for that? Could average artists and writers build their own? Or at least, could artists and writers find a truly trusted source?


Not likely, if the latest, greatest quips from IBM and Facebook sound worried, as their message implies.



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Israel and Palestine Cool Off Under Egyptian Peace Deal


Israel-Palestine rocket fire ceased under Egyptian halt earlier today.


Two days ago Islamist Jihad of Palestine launched over 50 rockets towards Israel in retaliation for Israeli soldiers killing three of their leaders. The Popular Resistance Committee admitted to firing some of the Palestinian rockets also. Hamas spokesmen said they had not participated in the attacks, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the Gaza region descried the hostilities as attempts to undermine ongoing peace efforts.


None of the Palestinian rockets appear to have killed or injured any Israelis.


Israel launched over 30 airstrikes and hundreds of tank shells in response, destroying seven suspected Islamic Jihad launch sites.


The US condemns the Islamist Jihad rocket launches, saying nothing about the Israeli response.



HFS analysts forecast resumption of peace talks led by the US, although the latest hostilities cloud the likelihood of quick agreement.

Hacktivists Halt Russian Banks & Government Offices, Reply to Blog Freezes


In response to Russian regulation of Internet access by news bloggers, a massive cyber attack struck the Central Bank of Russia, the Office of the Foreign Minister, and the chief Kremlin website. 

While several government and banking sites ceased functioning for several hours, government investigators brought down the attack known as ‘Hacktivism’ and all operations have resumed. 

HFS analysts forecast many more hacktivists attacks during the ongoing Russia-Ukrainian dispute, regardless of how many claim no connection between Internet attacks and Crimean politics.

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Russia Regulates Internet to Silence Violence Advocates


Kremlin Pushes Critics Off Internet Stage for Advocating Violence


Internet blogs of several noted commentators were frozen by order of Russian prosecutors earlier today due to quotes from a house-arrested Ukrainian spokesman and calls for illegal violence.


Commentators included former chess champion and now Internet-news-editor Garry Kasparov, owner of, which had quoted a far-right Ukrainian leader presently under house arrest and forbidden from making news statements. Other bloggers were shut down because they advocated violent action against Russian authorities, in violation of Russian laws enacted since President Vladimir Putin’s last election.


Cries of Russian censorship and violation of free speech rights met the Russian Internet actions across European and Asian blogs.


As HFS analysts have maintained in discussions about Internet freedom, the world wide web is free only so long as the governments where people live and communicate permit such freedom. In the larger view, the web exists at the pleasure of political powers.



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Russian Forces Mount While EU List Lengthens


US-EU Sanctions List Still Uncertain, As Russia Secures Crimea Foothold


More Russian troops, armored vehicles, ships at Crimean ports, fighter jets screaming by, attack helicopters flying overhead, and notices to decimated Ukraine soldiers still on Crimean streets that identify the Russians flooding on those same streets marked today’s progress as Russia secures its Crimea foothold.


As predicted by (HFS), the talks between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Secretary Sergei Lavrov ended quickly and without any agreements.


US led sanctions by the EU have solidified during the meeting between President Barack Obama and Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk, although the list of 20 elite Russian business leaders might have grown to over 100 already, even before its expected implementation to halt travel and money movement if tomorrow’s referendum fulfills expectations.


HFS analysts observe how during the past several decades of diplomacy between Russia, China, Europe, and the US, hope has sprung from mutual interests in economic prosperity. Sanctions such as those planned by the US-EU against Russian business leaders serve chiefly to undermine that hope. In the long term, planned sanctions cannot succeed, but they may push China and Russia, along with India and Indonesia, into separate economic orbits. As China becomes the world’s largest market, effectively pushing the East further from the West serves no one’s larger interests.


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One Strong Dissent Against US and EU on Russia-Ukraine Dispute


One American Dissent from US-EU Position on Russia-Ukraine


A Voice of America article portrays US Secretary of State John Kerry with his two fists clenched as if he were ready to fight, as he testified before the US Congress today.


If that is what he’s really asking for, then perhaps Russia will oblige the theatrical puppet. The US has zero credibility as a military presence in the Ukraine region, and the EU has less.


But go ahead, children, act out your silly gestures.


At (HFS)all analysts fully agree that if the US and EU actually take a “serious series of steps” then so will China and Russia, and contrary to US and EU hopes, the US and EU have the most to loose. 


The lead HFS analyst says: True to his shallow ‘displomacy’ of gesture and empty form, Kerry told the US Congress in its hearing today that he hopes to avoid sanctions by talking with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tomorrow in Russia. Balderdash (a polite way to parallel Rush Limbaugh’s vulgar “Barbara Streisand” expression)!


HFS analysts consensually elaborate pertinent international legal problems with the EU and US positions, as follows: In the various news reports of Kerry’s testimony, no mention ever arises concerning how the duly elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted by the Ukraine parliament when no constitutional provisions in Ukraine existed for such a process at the time. There were clearly articulated impeachment procedures on the Ukrainian books. However, only treason or other crime constituted grounds for impeachment, and that process was never undertaken by the head of the Ukrainian parliament, its now acting “president” Oleksandr Turchynov. So Turchynov committed treason against the Ukraine, yet the US and its pet the EU repeat the chorus that he is the Ukraine president. Russia essentially has correctly stated that Yanukovych remains the elected Ukrainian president unless and until impeachment occurs during his term or a new election is duly called in the election cycle. The reason neither the US nor EU mention this significant legal issue is because all they want is to cloud the issue with finger pointing, fist clenching, and figurative frothing at their mouths.


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Can EU Sanctions Against Russia Work Without Chinese and Indian Support?


EU Sets Up For Russian Sanctions, But Where’s China? India?


News from the EU today shows last minute preparation underway to impose sanctions against Russia if it fails to unwind its Crimean venture. All EU plans mirror US plans to freeze assets of Russian companies.


The list of companies to be sanctioned will likely begin with about 20 names, but as historically occurred, that list will expand to increase sanction pressures.


Analysts at (HFS) pose a question based on October 2013 contracts and support agreements between China and Russia for significantly expanded oil and gas exports to China. The analysts note that pipeline preparations to carry out those 2013 agreements have been completed. Additionally, strong competition between Russian companies to access the Chinese market persist today.


Further, negotiations now underway contemplate building new pipelines from Russia to India.


So HFS poses this question for the EU and US enthusiasts for sanctions against Russia: What do China and India say about sanctions as their economies grow increasingly dependent on Russian oil?



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Russia Holds Oil Over EU, Despite Threat of US Backed Sanctions


EU Pokes At Russian Bear To Its Peril


A draft seven page document prepared by the EU in cooperation with the US articulates sanctions against Russian citizens holding assets or traveling in the EU. The document will be considered by EU foreign ministers next Monday, 17 March 2014.


Passage and implementation of the sanctions hinges on whether Russia will halt expansion into the Ukrainian peninsula, Crimea, through its referendum vote in Crimea set for 16 March 2014.


To analysts at (HFS) the EU cooperation with the US could easily backfire due to European dependence on Russian petroleum, and if Russia chooses retaliation, not only oil but raw materials for manufacturing could be placed in jeopardy. In the end, say HFS analysts, Russia continues holding the upper hand, and Russia knows it.



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Brits Push Israel For Palestine Peace With Railing Against Iran


Cameron in Knesset Rails Against Iran


British Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking in the Israeli Knesset today, blasted Iran as a “despotic regime” and promised support for Israel.


Cameron made his first Israeli visit since his 2010 election as Britain’s PM, timed to coincide with US efforts to broker a peace accord between Israel and Palestine. The PM’s greatest criticism for Iran centered around Iranian weapons supporting militant Palestinian minorities.


To analysts at the US and ally peace initiative comes during crises across Arab nations including Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, with Jordanian assets committed to Arab allies, all suggesting that if Israel were to defend against any perceived military threat the Arab distractions might make action especially opportune. Accordingly, Israel may feel less inclined to bend to the will of US diplomats, and the British saber rattling implies added pressure on Israel to make peace while it can.



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