On Wisconsin! Thanks for Showing the World what needs to be done with adoption laws

b2ap3_thumbnail_adopt.jpgWisconsin Leads US With Law Limiting Private Adoption


Wisconsin, USA, state representative Joel Kleefisch pushed a new law that Governor Scott walker signed into effect yesterday that imposes criminal sanctions for those who advertise or carry out private adoptions. The new law offers the first in the USA of its kind as a strong attack against uncontrolled adoptions. Those adoptions have lead to some disastrous results, including for example, one mother advertising online and then meeting the pedophile (unknown to her, presumably) to whom she gave her nine year old son. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/16/us-wisconsin-adoption-idUSBREA3F1VS20140416


Representative Kleefisch cited numerous “pratfalls” first reported by the Reuters news service. Those pratfalls seem to HFS analysts more like cases of gross or criminal neglect. The rise of social media in every corner of the world facilitates quick, unregulated adoptions, so the new Wisconsin law on adoptions might appeal to many governments both within the USA and abroad. http://time.com/66171/wisconsin-adopted-children-rehoming/


Without federal laws in the USA to control this obvious gap in adoption laws, the time required to press the laws across the nation to every state seems daunting. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/18/wisconsin-becomes-first-state-to-ban-advertising-adopted-kids-online/


HFS analysts urge a close examination of the private adoption process in every place on the planet, perhaps looking to Wisconsin as a model for the rest of the world’s governments. What do you think?




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