Religious Freedom verses Right to Birth Control Put to Test Tomorrow in US Supreme Court


Tomorrow for 90 minutes, the US Supreme Court will hear cases that question whether business owners may, based on their religious beliefs, opt out of Obama-care provisions that require employers to provide health insurance that includes birth control such as the day after pill and sterilization services. To some, it will be one of this year’s biggest legal events in the US.


All seats in the small marble venue have been reserved for lawyers that represent dozens of businesses in support of the two small businesses at the heart of the case. One of the businesses is a family owned conglomerate consisting of Christian bookstores plus several franchises of Hobby Lobby Inc. an arts and crafts retailer. The family owners all claim evangelical Christian beliefs. The other case combined with the first was brought to court by a Pennsylvania family made up of a couple and their three sons, all of whom profess to be Mennonites, and who own Conestoga Wood Specialties, a wood crafts shop and supplier.


The business owners argue that providing the legally mandated morning after pill is tantamount to abortion and that sterilization also violates their religious faiths. Other cases related to this issue also have been placed on hold pending the outcome of tomorrow’s case, which will likely produce a decision by June this year.


HFS analysts note that impact on business owners may not be as significant as the impact on Obama-care, as more cases arise to chip away at the comprehensive health care law. For example, on the same day arguments will be heard about the birth control case, another potentially more far-reaching case about federal subsidies will also be heard.


With so many important US Supreme Court decisions pending with impact on Obama-care, uncertainty over the health care law increases, with myriad economic impacts. What do you think?




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