IBM & FB Say ‘No’ to NSA, But Are We Safe Yet?


IBM and Facebook Say ‘No’ to NSA, So Are We Safe Yet?


On IBM’s blog, the biggest-in-the-world tech company says it has not and will not cooperate with NSA when the feds come knocking. See its privacy policy:


If IBM receives a national security subpoena, what will it do? According to the IBM statement, it will fight in court and otherwise. Why does this matter? Some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations work with and through IBM systems, and they pay well for privacy.


What’s behind the scenes of IBM privacy protection? Here’s one insight from HFS: IBM’s preferred provider of computers is the Chinese multinational company Lenovo. So where might IBM keep the hardware servicing its cloud? Anyone’s guess, but Chinese computer leaders are helping.


How about Facebook, the biggest-in-the-world social network? According to its Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on a recent FB entry, he says: “When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we’re protecting you against criminals, not our own government.” And Zuckerberg called President Obama directly to complain about it.


Scariest to many is a Snowden leak about how NSA co-opted 140,000 computers to inject them with spyware. NSA says Snowden’s report is inaccurate. (Yeah, HFS analysts can just imagine how inaccurate; it’s probably many, many more than just 140,000 computers by now.)


So if you want to acquire a new computer someday within the next year or two, how could you go about building it yourself or through a truly trusted source? Do you have to be a tech wizard for that? Could average artists and writers build their own? Or at least, could artists and writers find a truly trusted source?


Not likely, if the latest, greatest quips from IBM and Facebook sound worried, as their message implies.



What do you think?

6 Replies to “IBM & FB Say ‘No’ to NSA, But Are We Safe Yet?”

  1. Ha! My wife and I just bought two Lenovo computers made in China. No doubt we have spyware on them but … :p

    It is what it is. I’m not sure this is a tempest in a teapot or simply the results of a digital, post 9-11 world but I’m not terribly concerned.

  2. why did she buy lenovo=unethical org owned by evil

    you should format the whole disk, flash their BIOS to open bios , then install mandriva linux, slackware,or knoppix……abandoning ms os, all linesof ms products for ur securities.

    if you ‘re rich and busy , no sparetime for study linux like most yankee,better just run knoppix cd dvd, or knoppix pendrive on it, you’ll be hassel free from all sbiwares

  3. in case updating open bios to ur lenova failed, send those 2 machine back to lenova usa headquarter’s CEO directly and ask for refund in full.
    after geting ur cash rebate from lenova CEO in CA, simply buy 2 secondehand fujitsu or panasonic made in japan over ebay or ur local flea market, you’ll be happy forever.

  4. Our son works for Microsoft. There’s no way we’re removing Windows. But thanks for the advice. 🙂

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