Kerry 2nd Blunder Will Hurt Ukrainians


Kerry Blunder Will Cost Ukrainians


Saturday US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the US would close any available space for diplomacy” if Russia annexes Crimea. and


This is not the first diplomatic blunder for John Kerry. Recall when in September 2013 the US jeopardized Syria when Kerry spouted off about avoiding US force if Assad would surrender chemical weapons.


Today, Russia continues its annexation process over Crimea after changing its laws to support annexation of places with Russian speaking people, despite international opposition.


Analysts at view Secretary Kerry’s remarks as extremely unhelpful, since short of military confrontation, diplomacy offers the only means to unwind the Ukraine crisis. This ‘no more diplomacy’ posture poses the most likely scenario for war, yet obviously the US has no real capacity for acting alone, so HFS analysts wonder whether the UN or other US allies were consulted before the Kerry remarks.



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