China Will Spend More on Military And Its Environment

China Buffs Up Its Military AND Its Environment

China planned a $130 B military budget for 2014, a 12 percent increase from last year, in its once per year Congressional meeting yesterday.


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang explained the budget increase, saying, “The armed forces and armed police force are full of new vigor and have enhanced capabilities. This year, we will comprehensively enhance the revolutionary nature of the Chinese armed forces, further modernize them and upgrade their performance and continue to raise their deterrence and combat capabilities in the information age.”


While US military analysts might feel alarmed by this Chinese news, a quick glance at the same kind of budget in the US shows a military budget about 6 times as large as China’s.


Even more fascinating, China’s budget includes $330 B for environmental projects for water pollution remediation.


Analysts at note that in China, environmental budgets run about 2.5 times higher than military budgets, nationally. The old adage, ‘Put your money where your mouth is,’ might give environmentalists worldwide some perspective on China’s priorities.



Maybe the USA could learn something from their creditors in China, too. What do you think?

One Reply to “China Will Spend More on Military And Its Environment”

  1. Well… looking at their air polluted cities, I’d say they have a long way to go before they can teach anything to the US (and I’m not even going to bring in the lack of civil rights in China :p). I suppose what I’m saying is: I’m singularly unimpressed.

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