Wax On, Wax Off; California Marijuana Business Differs from Colorado


Wax On, Wax Off, Marijuana Business Differs, Colorado v. California


Marijuana legalization hasn’t hit most states in the US yet, but the two leading states, California and Colorado, have taken different roads on the latest mj invention: Wax. Californians face federal investigation and prosecution for Wax distribution, while in Colorado the Wax business booms. http://news.yahoo.com/colo-marijuana-businesses-embrace-drug-center-dea-crackdown-015551827–abc-news-topstories.html


Not familiar with Wax? It’s distilled marijuana with enough THC (the active mj ingredient) that one hit lasts all day.


In California, things have gotten so bad that the feds are taking away people’s homes and businesses if they haven’t dotted every ‘i’ and crossed each ‘t’ for medical mj sales. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/14/us-usa-marijuana-landlords-idUSBRE85D0JA20120614


Seems to analysts at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com that jumping into the mj business at this moment in history might be riskier than most business opportunities. The potential profits seem enormous, of course, but the fear and loathing of US drug enforcers should not be underestimated, either.



Would you like to start up a new mj business if your state said it was alright? What do you think?  

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