Was Edward Snowden Justified Disclosing Illegal US Government Spy Conduct?


Edward Snowden, while employed by a contractor working for a US government agency, disclosed through various means information considered classified by the US government about that government’s unlawful spy activities worldwide and within the US.  Was he justified?

The fallout from Snowden’s disclosures persist through today. http://www.democracynow.org/2014/2/18/julian_assange_on_being_placed_on

The attorney for Snowden this week suffered interrogation by British authorities, presumeably simply because of serving as Snowden’s legal counsel.http://www.democracynow.org/2014/2/18/attorney_for_edward_snowden_interrogated_at 

Here at HamiltonFinanceServices.com we hold the following opinion:  Edward Snowden was faced with a moral dilemma of historic proportions when he became aware through his employment of classified information about US government spy activities worldwide and within the US, and Mr. Snowden chose to act in accordance with his conscience to violate the laws of the US.  That choice has already caused many changes in US and international conduct, and we expect continual changes to unfold for the foreseeable future and beyond. http://www.thenation.com/article/178467/what-snowden-leaked-was-nothing-compared-what-he-didnt 

The thought that US government spies watched the Internet activities of millions without consent or notice chills free speech and privacy to unparalleled levels. http://www.theguardian.com/world/edward-snowden

Here at http://HamiltonFinanceServices.com we feel embarrassed by recent actions of the US government disclosed through Edward Snowden’s actions.

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