Google Official Blog Confirms Fiber Plans for US Cities

b2ap3_thumbnail_GoogleFiber.jpgFiber Frenzy Across US


With an announcement on Google’s official blog about expansion of its fiber optics systems today, a frenzy of related blogs has coalesced.


Here’s the official Google blog site:


And here’s the list of new cities currently in the running for Google Fiber:


But Google is not the only game in towns. Comcast, planning to become the biggest cable company in the world if the merger with Time Warner passes inspection by US antitrust regulators, already feels threatened by Google Fiber push. AT&T also has aggressive intentions, if cities will give it deals such as those extended to Google.


So is this the future? Will the fiber infrastructure expand across America? Has any other nation-state already built such a network of fiber optic cables? What experience does any other large economy have with these expensive systems? Is there something even better out there?


If you have information or answers implicitly raised by the Google Fiber frenzy, please let us know at or directly by email.




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