Better Markets Sues US Justice Dept


NGO Better Markets sues for better market justice.


A Washington DC non-profit organization named Better Markets, headed by Dennis Kelleher, has sued the US Department of Justice, headed by Eric Holder. We have not seen the pleadings at, but from reports in the Wall Street Journal, it appears to be a suit alleging malfeasance by Eric Holder and failure of due process over the Justice Department settlement with J P Morgan Chase.


As reported, the J P Morgan Chase settlement ended potential civil actions by the Justice Department related to allegations of fraud by J P Morgan Chase. Better Market says that without more details made public, the settlement fails to serve the marketplace or the justice system adequately.


In other words, Better Markets says, through its law suit, that the Justice Department may be unjustly favoring a big bank with a sweetheart deal that the federal courts, not the prosecutors at Justice, should oversee.


Interesting idea, but will it fly? Will the court system recognize Better Markets’ standing to sue in the first place?


The settlement between the Justice Department and J P Morgan Chase constitutes a blanket settlement of all civil claims, reserving a possibility of criminal action for the future at the discretion of the Justice Department. Better Markets argues that without publicly disclosing the names of perpetrators and other details underlying the settlement, the un-filed civil law suit from Justice may hide a sweetheart deal.



What do you think?

3 Replies to “Better Markets Sues US Justice Dept”

  1. What? Does Better Markets suit really presume to :

    [i][b]-allege malfeasance by Eric Holder?
    -suggest that there has been a failure to serve the marketplace or the justice system adequately?
    -state that the Justice Department may be unjustly favoring a big bank with a sweetheart deal that the federal courts, not the prosecutors at Justice, should oversee?[/i][/b]

    LOL… justice for all, right? What do I think? It doesn’t really matter what I think or what those of us in the hinterland think. Those currently in power (on Wall Street and in Washington) will scratch one another’s backs and carry on as they always have. Call me – jaded… cynical… bitter to a point… tired.

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    Je prends connaissance des articles de votre blog qui sont très intéressants.

  3. Merci pour la réponse que vous rapide et courtois. Je suis heureux de vous faire connaître, et je suis impatient de lire plusieurs de vos commentaires en ligne. Comme ma vie est la plupart du temps passé, je ne m’attends pas à se rendre en France jamais, mais je continue à rêver de passer un jour de temps sur le sud de la France. Pourriez-vous m’en dire plus de votre beau pays? En échange, si vous souhaitez en apprendre davantage sur la partie du Midwest des États-Unis, je vais écrire un peu plus sur ce que je perçois ici de jour en jour. J’attends avec impatience de retour au moment opportun, je suis Jerome Hamilton. Amis m’appellent Jerry.

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